18 outubro 2005

Feeling Lost

"I feel like I'm throwing days away,
Living days without a date,
Blank calendar sheets that fall,
Like sad autumn leaves that will never wait

I feell like every step I take puts me further away from you,
Cause the road I walk just won't become familiar,
I can't remember where I've been, nor where I'm going to

Take me to a place I know,
Show me a smell I can recognize,
It seems like yesterday was a long while ago,
But I still remember it, felt like paradise

Fill my cup again, so I can have some energy,
I'm feeling low battery,
I don't need to feel a new taste,
Just to feel that this time is not a waste."

Álvaro Graça - 17 - 18/10/2005

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

começou por um silencio...
depois por uma pagina em branco....

agora antevejo um sabor refinado, autentico, unico, magico

Anónimo disse...

olha em alguns aspectos desta letra, já somos dois! mas deixa shit happen´s but sometimes good things happen´s too. 1945 primeira bomba nuclear em hiroshima e precisamente nesse dia nasceu a minha mãe!!! aquele abraço.. fui...